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Narrow Nerve Medication Can Relieve Pain

Pinch nerves are often associated with back or neck pain. Actually, the pinched nerve can also be felt in the arms, hands, elbows, and thighs and legs. A variety of complaints are caused by nerve pain, including pain, numbness, tingling, and physical weakness. So that makes many people with pinched nerves who choose to take nerve medications to relieve pain felt. The condition that causes the nerve to clamp is HNP (hernia nucleus pulposus), where the network of capsules between joints has weakened, so that the disc between the vertebrae protrudes and compresses the nerve. In addition, the nerve can also occur due to excessive pressure on the joints between joints. This condition can be caused by various things, ranging from repetitive body movements for a long period of time, excessive exercise, or the impact of excess weight.

Various Treatments for Nerve Clamps

To deal with nerve pain, the first thing to do is to reduce the activity that can trigger pain. If this has been done and the pain is still torturous, consult a doctor immediately so that the nerve clamps can be resolved immediately. Your doctor may advise you to undergo a series of tests, as well as dig up information related to the lifestyle you are living to find out the cause of nerve clamps. X-ray examination is generally recommended to find out which parts of the body are experiencing nerve clamps. The nerve nerve medicine that may be recommended by doctors is usually in the form of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, to relieve the pain or pain caused. If the use of ibuprofen or aspirin has not brought changes to the pain caused or the pain due to nerve pain is getting worse, the doctor can provide stronger pain and anti-inflammatory drugs. Other administration of nerve pinning medication which may also be recommended is corticosteroid injections so that the pain and swelling that occur due to nerve pinning can subside quickly. In addition to the administration of the nerve drug, usually the doctor will also recommend physiotherapy. This therapy aims to strengthen and stretch back the muscles and joints around the affected area of ​​the nerve clamps so that the pressure on the nerves can be reduced. If these methods do not improve, the doctor will advise you to undergo surgery. The type of surgery performed depends on the location of the affected nerve nerve.

Avoiding habits that trigger nerve nerves

In addition to taking nerve medications, you can take a number of habits that can help prevent nerve stress. This can be started by keeping the body in the right position when doing activities, avoiding being in the same position for long periods of time, and avoiding lifting heavy objects that can put excessive weight on the body. If you do repetitive activities, it is recommended to let the body rest for a while from the activities undertaken. In addition, you are also advised to maintain your weight properly and incorporate strength and flexibility training into your exercise program so that nerve cramps can be avoided. Always consult a doctor before taking nerve medicine. In addition, ask for information from the doctor about the activities that should be done or avoided, so that the condition does not worsen.


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