If you experience hot feet that cause a burning sensation, it is possible that you suffer from a nervous breakdown, namely peripheral neuropathy, or an impaired peripheral nerve function. Treatment of peripheral neuropathy focuses on preventing further nerve damage.
Causes of hot feet can vary, ranging from mild and can get better only by resting, such as due to the many activities undertaken or the use of uncomfortable footwear, to the influence of more serious conditions, due to illness or health problems which underlie. One of the most common is diabetes which often causes complications in the form of peripheral neuropathy.
In addition, the causes of peripheral neuropathy also include vitamin B deficiency, alcohol consumption in a long time, gout sufferers, to HIV sufferers who do not get medical treatment.
Nerve Damage to the Feet
In patients with peripheral neuropathy, nerve fibers get damaged. Damaged nerves are overactive so they send signals to the brain in the form of pain, even though there are no injured parts. The feet also become too sensitive to touch. This condition often causes a burning sensation in the feet. Heartburn is not the same between patients with one another. Some feel light heat, some are heavy. Conversely, there are also those who feel their legs become frequent pins and needles, some may not feel anything anymore or feel numb. Peripheral neuropathy can be divided based on the level of nerve damage or the severity of the result:Mononeuropathy
As the name suggests, mononeuropathy means single peripheral (peripheral) nerve damage. This condition occurs if you often make the same movements repeatedly. It can also happen when you make one move or do the same position for a long time. This causes prolonged pressure on the nerves, resulting in a type of nerve damage mononeuropathy. Symptoms are weak feet or hands, tingling, and numbness. For example, paralysis of the nerve (nerve) peroneus, which causes nerve disorders above the calf that makes the legs feel depressed and difficult to move.
Monoeuropathy initially occurs in one part of the nerve, but over time, it may spread to several parts of the nerve, so that complaints that arise will spread and resemble complaints in polyneuropathy. This condition is known as multiple mononeuropathy.
This type means there is nerve damage to several peripheral nerves at the same time. People with polyneuropathy often feel complaints in the legs, due to long nerve fibers.
Recognize the Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy
To ensure that the heat on your feet is affected by peripheral neuropathy, try to look for other symptoms. Usually sufferers of peripheral neuropathy will experience other symptoms, such as:- Feet feels like something wrapping around, like when wearing socks.
- Feet feel tight, but weak when moved.
- The surface of the foot feels like there is a slight vibration or sudden pain.
- Feels piercing pain.
- Excessive sweating appears.
- In men there is a possibility of sexual dysfunction.
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