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Causes of Cold Feet and How to Overcome It

The soles of the feet are cold because of the cold, it is common. However, if the condition is often felt without clear triggers, you should be careful with health problems that might cause them. Everyone generally has experienced cold feet. Basically, the condition is not dangerous. However, cold feet can be a sign of more serious health problems.

Various Conditions Cause Cold Feet

Blood circulation is not optimal, the most common cause of a person experiencing cold feet. This results in the difficulty getting warm blood flowing to the feet, so that the feet feel cold. Poor circulation can occur due to interference with the heart's work, so that it has difficulty channeling blood throughout the body despite trying hard. It is also influenced by bad lifestyle, such as smoking. There are also several other causes that can trigger cold feet, including:
  • Anemia

  • Lack of red blood cells can trigger cold soles, especially in cases of severe anemia. Iron deficiency anemia can occur in anyone with symptoms that are often taken lightly. This can be overcome by improving nutrition intake, or taking supplements and undergoing treatment based on doctor's advice.
  • Hypothyroidism

  • This condition occurs when the thyroid gland is less active and does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism causes disorders of the body's metabolism that affect heart rate and body temperature, so this condition can cause circulation to decrease and the soles of the feet to become cold. A common symptom experienced is the slowing process of physical metabolism, including sensitivity to cold.
  • Raynaud's disease

  • Raynaud's disease is an interruption in blood supply to parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes. This condition is relatively common. Raynaud's disease is usually triggered by anxiety, stress, and cold weather, which causes blood vessels to narrow. Areas of the body affected by this disease will turn pale, then blue and feel cold, before finally turning red when blood flow returns. The symptoms that cover it are pain and numbness. Symptoms can be controlled by avoiding cold temperatures and wearing gloves.
  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • This disease is an eating disorder and also a serious mental health condition. Someone who has anorexia limits excessive food intake to lose weight. However, in the end his weight became far below normal, which is certainly not healthy and causes poor blood circulation. Besides anorexia sufferers only have a little layer of fat under the skin so it is very susceptible to cold temperatures.
  • Diabetes

  • Damage to the nerves can also cause cold feet. The damage is usually caused by type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. If you experience symptoms of nerve damage in the legs, see your doctor immediately and always control blood sugar well.
Apart from illness, it turns out that side effects from drugs can also trigger cold feet. Especially beta blockers (beta-blockers) are prescribed for high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart failure. That is because beta blockers decrease heart activity and blood circulation. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume beta blockers without a prescription from a doctor.

How to Overcome Cold Feet

In general, besides warming the body, it is likely that doctors will recommend regular and regular exercise to improve body metabolism and blood circulation. Exercise can help treat or prevent various problems causing cold feet. In addition, to overcome certain heart problems and Raynaud's disease, doctors may give calcium channel blockers that can open blood vessels and help circulation better. Likewise the condition of other cold feet, will be treated according to the cause. Cold feet can be classified as normal conditions or a sign of a more serious condition. Consult a doctor, to ascertain the cause and how to handle it appropriately.


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